Property, Engineering, Marine

With Gen Re’s full range of products and highly trained specialists, you’ll find the reinsurance solution that’s right for you.

Property, Engineering, Marine

We offer Treaty and Facultative (Individual Risk and Programs) reinsurance solutions for a broad range of Property exposures and coverages including:

Commercial Property, Agriculture, Natural Catastrophes, Engineering, and Marine. As a direct reinsurer, we underwrite and assess each risk alongside you. We work with you, sharing expertise and technical knowledge, always with the goal of helping you meet your reinsurance and business objectives.

Navigating Cyber Risks in Marine and Upstream Energy Re/insurance Business: The Path to Cyber Clause JX2023-019
In October 2023 the Joint Excess Loss Committee published a new Cyber Clause to encompass the various coverages in the marine and upstream energy insurance market in one reinsurance clause. The author gives a detailed description of the clause and how it was designed to address the current challenges.
Jens Voges
Buildings Made of Wood – A Challenge For Insurers?
Building with wood is a global trend. Timber construction offers a high degree of prefabrication, good thermal insulation properties, high strength and load-bearing capacity with a comparatively low dead weight. However, the risk of fire is high. We explain the possible risks and point out risk reduction measures.
Leo Ronken
Foundries – A Challenging Class of Business from a Property Insurance Perspective
Read our new blog on foundries – an overview of foundry operations, processes, and risks from an insurance perspective. It covers foundry technologies, hazards, protective measures, and key underwriting considerations when insuring foundries.
Leo Ronken
PFAS – Rougher Waters Ahead?
Recent U.S. regulatory activity and lawsuit outcomes concerning PFAS chemicals point to a decades-long slog for the insurance industry. Here's a look at their potential health risks, the current regulatory and legal climates, and suggestions as to how carriers should proceed going forward.
Timothy Fletcher
Did you Know? A Brief Reflection on La Niña and El Niño
Is there a correlation between the occurrence of El Niño or La Niña and severe weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, excessive rainfall or wildfires? To answer this question, we examine the explanations for these events and the impact on the insurance and reinsurance industry.
Luis Rayes, Felipe Campana


The risks in the commercial and industrial sectors are manifold and are characterized by rapid technological changes.

Our solutions address the volatility losses as well as unique characteristics and exposures across the property spectrum on an entire portfolio, from Treaty and Facultative programs to highly customized Facultative coverages on individual risk.

We also support you with targeted analysis and consulting services, software tools, and seminars and publications on current developments.


Our Engineering specialty underwriting team offers a broad range of reinsurance solutions to cover commercial and industrial risks such as Machinery Breakdown, Construction All Risk/Erection All Risk (CAR/EAR) including ALOP/DSU.

For Energy classes of business with unique issues and exposures, we created dedicated specialty underwriting teams.

Natural Catastrophe

Natural Catastrophes

Rising NatCat activity in recent years (i.e., flooding, storms, hail, and wildfires), also driven by climate change, creates challenges for the re/insurance industry. In addition, insured values in regions exposed to natural catastrophes are rising steadily. At Gen Re, an experienced team with a long-standing history in underwriting and own risk models will help you meet your reinsurance and business objectives.

We use a tailored approach that ranges from evaluating and selecting from the available vendor products to a pure proprietary model development to adequately address each country and peril in our client portfolios.

Furthermore, our geoscientists (e.g., Meteorologists, Hydrologists, Seismologists) make use of the latest research and data to respond to the highly dynamic environment where a changing climate and rapid urbanization challenge the value of historic observations.


We offer reinsurance solutions across a broad range of Ocean and Inland Marine exposures. To succeed in today's rapidly changing global environment, our teams combine global expertise with local know-how.

Our product offerings include Ocean Cargo, Commercial Hull (Ocean/River), Yachts, Builders Risk, and Marine Liabilities.



Gen Re has a wealth of experience and expertise in Property, Marine, and Engineering claims. Our claims professionals value the opportunity to share our perspective on complex claims and work through issues with clients.

We monitor trends and emerging risks to remain at the forefront of claims partnerships. We aim to foster close working relationships with our clients and add value through the claims management process.

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