Data Privacy

Gen Re is committed to conducting business in a compliant manner and takes data privacy seriously. When we receive personal data we take steps to handle the data in a responsible manner that is consistent with our core values and business objectives.

Handling Your Personal Data

Visitors to our website and users of our web-based services can find a detailed digital marketing privacy statement here.

Policyholders, insured persons, beneficiaries, claimants or applicants from the European Union can find our Reinsurance Privacy Notice (PN) pursuant to Art. 14 General Data Protection Regulation here.

Business Contacts, participants of Gen Re Business School’s further education and training program, and Job applicants can find our Privacy Notices pursuant to Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation here.

Our Data Protection Officer

You can pose any question regarding data privacy, this Website or a claim you want to make according to this Statement or applicable data privacy laws by sending an email to Andrew Gifford.

Data Privacy Statement

Regional Privacy Policies: Chinese (Simplified)  |  Chinese (Traditional)  |  French  |  German  |  Italian  |  Japanese  |  Spanish

General Reinsurance Corporation (“Gen Re”, “us”, “our” or “we”) understands that visitors to our website ( (“website”) are concerned about the privacy of personal information. We have established policies and procedures concerning the collection, processing and security of personal information that will help protect the privacy of our website users. Our information privacy standards are designed to help us serve our users while maintaining our own strict security standards, and are intended to comply with the applicable privacy and data protection laws where we do business. We want you to understand how and why we collect, use and disclose personal information about you on our website. This Data Privacy Statement (“Statement”) provides you with information concerning our practices and procedures as they relate specifically to information we collect on this Website.

Changes to Our Data Privacy Statement

We may change this Statement at any time and from time to time. The most recent version of the Statement is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Statement. This Statement is not intended to, and does not, create any contractual or other legal right in or on behalf of any party.

Version Date: November 2023

EU Reinsurance Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice pursuant to Art. 14 GDPR

for applicants, policyholders, insured persons, beneficiaries or injured parties (English)

Datenschutzhinweise nach Art. 14 DS-GVO

für Antragsteller, Versicherungsnehmer, Versicherte Personen, Bezugsberechtigte oder Geschädigte (Deutsch)

Aviso Sobre Protección De Datos conforme al art. 14 RGPD

para solicitantes, tomadores de seguros, personas aseguradas, personas beneficiarias o perjudicados (Español)

Informations Concernant la Protection Des Données selon l’article 14 RGPD

à l’attention des demandeurs, preneurs d’assurance, personnes assurées, bénéficiaires ou sinistrés (Français)

Notifica Sulla Protezione Dei Dati ai sensi dell’Art. 14 RGPD

per richiedenti, persone assicurate, beneficiari o parti lese (Italiano)

Informacje o ochronie danych osobowych zgodnie z art. 14 RODO

dla wnioskodawców, ubezpieczających, osób ubezpieczonych, uprawnionych do świadczeń lub poszkodowanych (polska)


投保人、保单持有人、被保险人、受益人、受损方的隐私声明 (中文)

Other Privacy Notices

Privacy Notice for Gen Re Business Contacts

Privacy Notice for Education

Participants of Gen Re Business School’s Further Education and Training Program