
Customized reinsurance solutions and strategic support help our clients succeed.


At Gen Re, we believe that information and collaboration are the basis for great innovation.

We leverage the actuarial, underwriting, claims, medical, and research expertise of our global units with market-specific knowledge to support your product initiatives.  

As an extension of your team, we’re here to support your initiatives – and find solutions to help you succeed. Our product development support includes design of new products, calculation of rates, and development of policy terms and conditions. Post-launch, our portfolio monitoring and experience studies offer additional valuable insights.

Individual Life

Individual Life

Through traditional excess or quota share arrangements, we can customize a reinsurance program to meet your specific risk management needs. Whether you are writing traditional fully underwritten business or deploying accelerated or simplified underwriting programs, we can tailor value-added services to meet your unique business challenges. Our team has extensive experience in the following areas:

  • Data analytics, product development, and pricing
  • Impaired risk and capacity facultative underwriting as well as value-added underwriting support through Supplemental Underwriting and 2nd Look
  • Market research and analysis through our annual Individual Life Accelerated Underwriting Survey
  • Streamlined claims processes

Gen Re continuously monitors the Insurtech market space for new data sources and innovative developments. Where we see a fit for client companies given varying markets and distribution models, we assist in conducting pilot programs and analyses to aid in the development and optimization of Accelerated Underwriting programs. Our Accelerated Underwriting Study Group meets quarterly to discuss pertinent AU topics that are top of mind for carriers. If you are interested in joining our AU Study Group, please reach out.

Medicare Supplement

Medicare Supplement

Along with our strategic partnerships and overall market awareness, our clients gain a comprehensive set of skills to help achieve their Medicare Supplement goals. Our team has experience whether you are:

  • Developing a new business strategy
  • Looking for assistance managing an in-force block
  • Contemplating the sale of a closed block
  • Exiting the market 

Gen Re market research and analysis through our annual Medicare Supplement Market Survey can assist you.

Group life

Group Life

Fresh perspectives on risk management are key to profitable growth in the Group Life and AD&D insurance market. We offer traditional or customized reinsurance solutions that include:

  • Underwriting expertise including medical EOI
  • Industry research and benchmarking analysis
  • Facultative support tailored to meet your specific needs
  • Group Life conversion solutions
  • Market research and analysis through our annual Group Term Life Market Survey, and periodic Group Medical EOI Underwriting Survey and Group Life Rate & Risk Management Survey
Individual Disability

Individual Disability

Whether you are selling fully underwritten business, multi-life, or guaranteed standard issue, our Individual Disability Income team has extensive experience to support you. Through traditional excess or quota share arrangements, we can customize a program to meet your specific risk management needs. We can provide guidance and expertise in the following areas:

Critical Illness

Critical Illness

The Critical Illness market continues to grow and our team of experts can help you develop and bring a new product to market.  Whether it is an individual or group product we can provide the following:

  • A turnkey Critical Illness offer which includes product development, pricing, policy forms, and other support
  • Assistance with both standalone and worksite product structures
  • Market research and analysis though our Critical Illness / Accident Insurance Market Survey


Accident coverage is relatively new to the Gen Re portfolio. Similar to our Critical Illness offering, our team of experts can work with you to develop an accident product that meets your needs. We can provide:

Our Services

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U.S. Research

Leading insurance industry research, providing valuable data and insights to help our clients make key business decisions

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Competent advice, comprehensive services, and effective tools and resources to guide your risk management decisions

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Highly qualified team of industry experts provides tailored risk management solutions specific to our clients’ needs

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Deep expertise in solving complex business problems with actionable insights using statistical and machine learning techniques

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Knowledge Sharing

Favorite Findings – Behavioral Economics and Insurance
By now insurers know they can use behavioral economics approaches to make improvements to different areas of their business. Even small changes might make a big difference. See if one of our favorite takeaways from our own BE experiences might work for you!
Heidi Alpren, Joe Curtin, Ruth Potter
Medicare Supplement Market Keeps Evolving – Overview of Latest Survey
Mixed market results for the U.S. Med Supp market through 2023. With 89 companies participating in our benchmark report on the sector, $14.4 billion in total Med Supp inforce premium was reported for 2023. Read on for more details including the role of accelerated underwriting.
Mike Fullerton
Shining a Light on Fraud Risk Management in Canada’s Life & Health Insurance Market
Insurance fraud is a global threat to all lines of business – costing the industry billions of dollars each year. Read our latest findings on insurance fraud in the Canadian Life & Health market.
Mary Enslin
Investigating Foreign Deaths – Risks and Challenges
Foreign death claims pose unique risks and challenges for Life insurers, as they often involve complex legal and procedural issues across different jurisdictions. Insurers can mitigate the risks and protect themselves against potential fraud by ensuring they have robust controls in place.
Jason Weesner

Upcoming Events

Our presentations at industry events support our goal of sharing knowledge with our clients. For a full listing of industry events we will be attending throughout the year, click here.


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